Saturday, 13 October 2007

Harper Collins Launches a Virtual Slush Pile

Dig this from this week's Publishing News:

HARPERCOLLINS UK IS launching a new community site encouraging new writers to submit work, with the most popular titles being considered for publication. is set to launch in early 2008, aimed at a UK audience, with the intention of expanding to other HarperCollins territories in future.

Aspiring writers can upload their work to the site, and other users will able to leave comments and recommendations for each work. Victoria Barnsley, Chief Executive and Publisher of HarperCollins UK, said: “Very often we hear from budding new authors who tell us their script was loved by their family, book group or wide circle of friends. Authonomy™ is an opportunity for these authors to woo a large audience, get an army of support behind them, and really test whether their work has got what it takes to make it.”


  1. Hi Harper Collins, does this apply to script writers? If so check out middleditch.blogspot

  2. Nice one Candy!Don't forget to leave the message on THE WAITING ROOM table!


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