Slated launches in the UK on the 3rd of May with Orchard Books! Getting to this place – published author – has been a bumpy road. I've seen Dear Me and Dear Teen Me, where contributors write a letter to their teenage selves with advice. I think my younger self could tell me a thing or two. My 17 year old self has kindly offered to interview me about what took so long...
Almost celebration time!!
Notes from the Slushpile is a team blog maintained by eight friends who also happen to be children's authors at different stages of the publishing journey.
Sunday, 29 April 2012
At 17, I knew the truth...
by Teri Terry
book launch
dear me
Teri Terry
Monday, 23 April 2012
Blogging is Dead. Or Maybe It's Just a Little Bit Useless.
From |
EVERYONE is blogging.
Don't believe all those reports that blogging is in decline because people prefer the ease of Twitter and Facebook. There are a LOT of blogs out there. Especially in the world of writers, aspiring or otherwise.
Even publishers, traditionally Jurassic in their attitudes to new technology, are urging their authors to blog. In fact, several publishers are themselves blogging now. Authors are blogging as their characters, blogging about writing, blogging about getting published. Indy authors are blogging like crazy as part of punishing marketing regimes. And unpublished people are publishing online while waiting to get published (yup, me did that).
Candy Gourlay
Online Marketing
Thursday, 12 April 2012
From Writing for Adults to Writing for Children - Sam Hawksmoor
Sam Hawksmoor and his debut children's novel. Photo: Petersfield Post |
Monday, 9 April 2012
Princess Paula to The Rescue! Paula Harrison on launching books, writing for younger readers and how to get that lucrative publishing deal...
by Maureen Lynas
Hi Maureen, thanks for having me on Notes from the Slushpile. I’m very excited to be here! |
Thursday, 5 April 2012
How Big Is Your Slushpile?
By Maureen Lynas
Are you embarrassed by the size of your slushpile? Do you hide it, ignore it, lie about it? DON'T! Be PROUD of it! SHOUT about it. I'm telling you now - MINE IS HUGE!
Why am I telling you now? Well, after reading Candy's latest blog post on the trauma of completing her second book, and seeing ex-lurker Tamsin's comments about writing for six years and not giving up, I was inspired to come clean and reveal all. This is my writer's journey. From 2000 to 2012.
My world was teaching in a primary school. A story lover, child lover, OFSTED hater. A wanna be writer of children’s fiction.
Monday, 2 April 2012
What I Learned From Writing My Second Novel
Dig the cool cover by David Dean who also designed the cover of Tall Story |
How do you finish a second novel?
With difficulty.
Especially if the book is has been listed on bloody Amazon for a YEAR and has a cover and your SENSITIVE, HELPFUL friends keep saying, 'Candy, we're going to pre-order your book!'
And life keeps getting in the way, and new ideas for future books keep sneaking into your brain except how are you ever going to write another book this one is taking so LONG, and you've got to market your OTHER book, and you're afraid of saying no to Dylan Calder and to school visits and your other book is published in paperback to a deafening silence in the United States and you know you've got to DO SOMETHING to make the Americans read it but HOW? (for pity's sake, my non-fellow Americans, buy it on Amazon) And you've got to visit your mother in the Philippines and the children have inadvertently EATEN the fridge (again!) and blah blah blah BLAH.
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Agent Jenny Savill (left) and author Sara Grant join Notes from the Slushpile to share a few tips on how to improve your manuscript a...
By Candy Gourlay Last Thursday, I attended the Agents' Party, a yearly SCBWI event that I stopped attending when I got signed by my ag...
By Candy Gourlay Because of the popularity of this blog post, I will be updating this from time to time, to make sure the info is still u...
It's a bargain! The 'Crabbit Bat', Nicola Morgan, is on a 'Write a Great Synopsis' blog tour and we...
By Candy Gourlay If your name is JK Rowling, please ignore this post. Facebook Page : formerly called a fan page, it's for business...
Nicky Singer with the BAFTA won by the TV version of Feather Boy for Best Children's Drama I met Nicky Singer , the author of the criti...
By Candy Gourlay If you follow me on Facebook, you'll know that I attend a LOT of launch parties. At the spring launch of my pal ...
By Candy Gourlay Reports from the 2011 Winter Conference of the Society for Children's Book Writers and Illustrators I didn't m...
By Candy Gourlay This is a quickie tutorial on how to put a podcast (a.k.a. a sound file such as you reading aloud from your book!) on you...
by Maureen Lynas WARNING! If you follow these steps you may never enjoy a book or film ever again. You may even experience marita...