Monday, 12 November 2007

This Blog Can Be Read by Junior High People

Here's a fun widget I found while procrastinating! So this blog apparently uses a junior high vocabulary. Neat!

Junior High

I thought it would be fun to check out how my friends' blogs would rate.

Here's the wonderful fiction blog Wilf's World - told in the voice of an eight year old boy who would like to be Buzz Lightyear:

cash advance

Here's Anita's blog on writing and getting published:

cash advance

Here's Absolute Vanilla's witterings and warblings:

cash advance

Hmm. All these college level vocabularies were giving me an inferiority complex so I inputted my role-model-author/blogger/all-around-genius-on-the-internet Scott Westerfeld's blog and this is what he got:

cash advance

Which just goes to show ... you may be vocabularily challenged and still cool.

1 comment :

  1. Blimus - how did Wilf get to be a college undergrad!!!


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