Saturday, 7 February 2009

Ten simple pleasures on my visit to Manila

MANILA -- On Facebook, I keep getting invitations to create lists – 25 random thoughts, seven things about me, 10 unusual facts I know etc.

Well here’s a list. And all my online friends can breathe a sigh of relief ... I’m not tagging anyone to do the same.

Watching London engulfed in snow on TV, with the electric fan on full blast.

Drops of water on palm leaves after a tropical rainshower.

The Indonesian print on my mother’s pyjamas.

Seeing this lovely painting of Remedios Circle, a place near the flat where I used to live. It’s become quite rundown now, and I’m glad there’s a memory of its better days here.

Going to a good bookstore. Power Books in SM Megamall.

Stumbling upon an empty restaurant with a piano, late at night, while in the company of musician friends

Having my family go bananas playing bananagrams.

Watching my niece play volleyball for my university.

Enjoying the way Filipinos find their use of English so hilarious. Without Further Adieu illustrated by Elbert Or, published by Tahanan Books

... and PURPLE plants!


  1. aw, Candy - these photos are great and I love the Indonesian print.

    It's wonderful to see a little of your trip to Manila.

    ha - 'Have you eaten yourselves?' is a fabulous quote!

    I like the alphabet on the bookstore walls too.

    Send us more pics if you have a mo,

  2. Thanks for introducing us to a world of literature that we wouldn't normally have access to. I've heard Mister Pip is good. Love the list and the photos!


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