Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Yes It's You: Good News Strikes

It felt a little bit like winning Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.


When the moment came, it took me ages to process what was actually happening, Rejection having been my default setting for so long.

The phone rang and I took a message. The message was: YES.

Yes, I like your book.

Yes, I want to represent you.

Yes, it’s going to happen.


Come to think of it, that was David Almond’s inspirational message this past SCBWI Writer’s Day. “It happened to me, It’s going to happen to you.”

I got the call last week and I’m only blogging about it today because today, I had my first meeting with My Agent.

I tried to explain to the Husband what a different experience this meeting had been from a previous agent near-miss that had ended in disappointment. Was it the way this agent expressed an interest in my other work? Was it the fact that she urged me to chase her on the phone when I needed to follow something up? Was it – ? The Husband stopped me in mid whinge.
There’s no point looking back. The difference between then and now is this book. You have written another book.
And that’s the thing.

I’ve written another book. And it’s better than the previous one. Which was better than the one before.

So after more than 10 years, three novels and dozens of rejections, I’ve got an agent.

One can only get better at it.


  1. Woooohooooo!!!! Candy! Congratulations!!! I am super-chuffed for you. What utterly brilliant news! Good for you to believing in the dream and for sticking with it. And yes, each new story written brings improvement and improvement can only lead to better things!
    Huge hug!

  2. oooooh thank you! it's hard to believe. one of the first things she said was, "this is the beginning of something else." so watch this space - my complaining is about to change!

  3. Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Fantastic news and not really surprising, Candy. We knew you were close to getting an agent.

    What a magical moment and a wonderful comment from your agent 'This is the beginning of something else...'

    Good Luck with your new life!


  4. Fantastic news Candy. Well done. And what was that I said to you about David Almond last week? And what was your response - Arrgghhh.
    So told you so.
    Roll on the book deal.

  5. Hooray, that's fabulous news!! :-D

  6. I know I emailed you and congratualted you already but, I just wanted to do it again.


    Brillinat news. You must keep us posted.

    Love Anita

  7. Huge congratulations.

    Oh, I'm so excited and thrilled for you Candy. This is excellent news and really well deserved!!!! I'm really looking forward to seeing your books in print. Remember us when you are famous :-)!!

  8. Yippppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  9. Congratulations!! I've only just come back online and this is great news to come back to, well did!!!

    Happy Christmas too!

  10. Very late but as a fan of your blog I wanted to congratulate you on this excellent news. I hope you have a wonderful journey from here.

  11. candy! it's been a looong time!! this is great! congratulations!!!


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