Friday, 11 January 2008

Don't Write Anything That Doesn't Fit In Your Mouth

They are so funny! Nobody said you had to be funny to become a YA writer! And whatever happened to dignity?

Here's a sample from YA authors Maureen Johnson (Devilish, Suite Scarlet) and Libba Bray (The Sweet Far Thing) in a hilarious pow-wow about writing for teenagers -
MJ: But there does come a very ugly phase, that very very unattractive break before the dawn where the book actually gets written. The book actually getting written is not pretty.

LB:It's sort of like transition in childbirth. That's the period where all of a sudden you rise up out of the stirrups and you grab the labor nurse by her throat and you're like, I can't have this baby! You have to have this baby for me!
Watch it here:


  1. Wonderful silliness! I want to do that one day! :)

  2. My son has a rule that he doesn't go out with any girl whose earrings are larger than her mouth. Wise beyond his years.

  3. Fabulous, Candy! Thank you for posting that :-)


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