Sunday 25 January 2009

The Kreative Blogger Award

Angela has nominated me for the Kreative Blogger Award (which is actually a meme). When nominated one must list seven things they love and then pass this award on to seven "Kreativ" people.

I love lots of things but I have to keep to just seven things. So here goes:

1. I love the museumness of London. I love that the same things are still where they were hundreds of years ago. When I first moved to London I re-read Great Expectations and wandered around London seeing for myself the sites that were described in the book.

2. I love children. They are so much more fun than grown ups. They don't say "but ..." all the time, they don't set themselves deadlines and don't need a logical reason to do anything.

3. I love that Manila is like Sim City with buildings rising and falling and changing all the time. I love it but I also hate it.

4. I love people who tell stories. Journalists are fab people to be around when they're not being bitter and twisted. Authors are even more fab. When they're not being bitter and twisted.

5. I love cut and paste. As a young reporter working for a Manila magazine, I worked on stand-up-and-beg typewriters. When we wanted to edit our work, we had to take a pair of scissors and 'cut' entire paragraphs and 'paste' them where we wanted them. Imagine my joy when introduced to the 'cut and paste' power of computers. I am still joyful now.

6. I love being a fly on the wall. As a child, I loved going to the mad markets of downtown Manila to watch extraordinary lives being lived all around me. In London, it doesn't seem quite so mad. But it is.

7. I love doing something just for the sake of it. Maybe that's why I love reading instruction manuals. Oops, that's eight.

My Kreative Blogger Nominees are (in order of their names popping into my head):

1. Addy Farmer
2. Anita Loughrey
3. Sarah McIntyre
4. Fiona Dunbar
5. Miriam Halahmy
6. Paolo Romeo
7. Candice Lopez-Quimpo


  1. Hi Candy, That's great. Thanks for listing me. Er, what happens now? Perhaps I should write another blog.

  2. Great list, Candy! The appeal of London, as we read about it in books, is something extra special, I think for those not born there.

  3. What a great idea, Candy--I particularly love your number 4 and just hope I am mostly not bitter and twisted! Even better, I now know what a 'meme' is (looked it up!), so you've educated me as well.

  4. Ack, Candy! Thanks so much! But I don't know what to do, all my favourite bloggers are even busier than I am... I daren't ask!

  5. thankyou, Candy. I'll go and be kreativ.


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