Friday, 25 September 2009

The Boy Who Fell Down Exit 43 by Harriet Goodwin

If you're a writer or anyone who loves books, watch this:

And here's another someone launching a career to inspire children, Harriet Goodwin.

My daughter and I bussed it to the Waterstones in Islington last night to attend the launch of a book by yet another Undiscovered Voice.

The Boy Who Fell Down Exit 43 was the first book snapped up by agent Sarah Davies who was one of the judges to the UV competition and it also has the distinction of being the first one-off young fiction title to be published by Stripes Publishing.

Authors take note: it was a nice Waterstones for a book launch, the party took place at a spacious upper floor, good acoustics for the book reading, fab Upper Street restaurants nearby, and MOST importantly, a short, door to door bus journey from my house (thanks, Harriet).

Here's the powerhouse behind the book: Harriet, Julia Churchill of Greenhouse Literary Agency standing in for Sarah Davies, and Jane Harris, who edited the book.

Julia read a message from Sarah

Stripes publishing team in a dignified and mature scramble to take photographs (health and safety notice: no editors were injured in the taking of this photograph)
Hat with her exceedingly tall and sparkly nine year old daughter who is ripe for recruitment to my daughter's recently formed My Mum Is Writing A Novel support group

And as the party wound down, the SCBWI people took shots of each other posing with random books.

Sarwat ChaddaCandy GourlayMargaret
Sarwat with Twilight, Margaret with When Cats Turn Bad, and Candy with Thanks and Have Fun Running the Country,

As one does.

Well done, Harriet. Now onward and upward!


  1. From FaceBook:

    Kathryn Have just finished the book and it's a really good read - loved the ending - tears and joy

    Paula Fantastic Candy, thanks for providing a window for those of us who couldn't make it. And may Harriet's writing career be long and fruitful!

    Jackie So glad it went well!

    MichaelI remember reading an interview by her a while back, she seemed a really nice person.

    Bex Yes, thanks Candy!

    JulieThanks Candy. Congratulations to Harriet.

  2. Thanks Candy! The photos are a wonderful reminder of last night! Hat xx

  3. Thanks for the wish-I'd-been-there description, Candy.

    I was looking through the new edition of 'tbk' - a book magazine used in schools and libraries - and Exit 43 had a whole page spread!


  4. I wish I wish I wish I had been there... Glad it went so well!


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