Saturday, 14 November 2009

My Book Deal - thrilled to be moving from one roller coaster to another!

So. It has happened. I've got a book deal! On June 2010, TALL STORY is going to become a real book with real pages and a cover and a publisher!

And not just any publisher, David Fickling Books!

AND not just David Fickling, but something very important to me - a publisher in my native Philippines in the form of RayVi Sunico!


When I started trying to write novels NINE years ago, I thought, how hard can it be? I was a journalist writing hundreds of words a day. Surely children's fiction wouldn't be that hard. It would be great fun! I was a bit like a kid getting on a ride at a funfair.

I had no idea it was going to be like this:

And like this:

And like this:

A lot of the time, it was more painful than fun. But it was still fun enough to keep going.

And finally getting a contract is like, well, changing the ride.

Going off into another unknown!

Up and up and up!

Am I ready for what lies ahead?

Well at the moment, it's all looking good!

But there's a lot of hard work up ahead! The stakes are suddenly higher.

And I must remind myself why I write.

I must remind myself that beyond getting published, the reason I write is because I love it.

Reason enough to keep going.

Thank you to the hundreds of emails and wow, what a buzz that was on Facebook and on the SCBWI message board and in the Philippines, oh, the Philippine flag was waving!

It really, really is beyond fantastic!


  1. Fanatastic news indeed, Candy - and that rollercoaster looks exhilarating!

  2. thanks katherine. to be honest, i am terrified of real roller coasters. i hope i can stand the publishing roller coaster!

  3. OMG Candy! - June 2010, that's no time at all! What a statement of faith in your writing... the ms must've been close to flippin' perfect - very impressive! Those 9 years were well spent.

  4. I'm saying "huge congrats" again.
    I blogged about you today!

  5. Candy:

    Congrats! This is excellent news!

    Enjoy the ride!


  6. I am so so so so so chuffed for you Candy. It's incredibly well-deserved. Here's wishing you loads of success!

  7. Here are some lovely comments from the blog on my Facebook profile - thanks, you wonderful people:

    Michael It's just brilliant!!!!!

    Paula Go Candy! Go Candy!

    Gillian You go girl!!

    Raine Congratulations.

    Jeannette Love the pics - too. Such a talented lady!

    Beverley Yay. Go for it!

    Malorie CONGRATULATIONS. I'm so thrilled for you.

    Frankie likey likey

    Paolo Well done Candy!
    What lies ahead is a lot more of the same fun :)
    (and your writing buddy will always be there to support you - and don't forget your critique bunch ;)

    Marissa great news!

    Steve Huge congrats Candy! Just incredible. Much deserved

    Debbie Could not have it described better myself - I'm just waiting to change rides though ...

    Mark Many congrats. Fantastic news, Candy.

    Laurie Wooo Hooo for you!

    Rachiel Biggest congratulations!

    Sue eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - this is fantastic news Candy - and June is so soon!

    Jan Write on! Enjoy it and the ride to come!

    Dulcinea I am soooo excited! I can't wait to go in Waterstones to buy a copy and announce very loudly "I know her, yeah really, she is really down to earth for a famous author. What you think I am totally cool for knowing a published author and want to give me free coffee and books? Sure - why not?!?!?!

    Candy ha ha ha ... and you could say ... she irons! badly!

  8. Wonderful news. My congratulations to you! :)

    Am happy that Mr Sunico is publishing your book here in the Philippines. He was a guest speaker in our Writing For Children class (under Prof. Ma. Elena Paterno) many years ago, and I remember being inspired by his message RE: Filipinos making it in the global publishing market.

    And here you are now, proving him right. :D

  9. Candy - I'm so thrilled for you! I know it's been a lot of work, and getting David Fickling is amazing. I'll look forward to reading the published book!

  10. Congrats!!!!!!

    Nine years? That is a real encouragement to hang in there and keep writing.

  11. Just heard your happy news - Congrats!
    all best,
    RA HK

  12. More from Faceboook:

    Amanda Congratulations Candy. Been out of the loop since dropping out of SCBWI and Facebook stopped working on my Mac (nervously tapping away on an unfamiliar and scarily efficient PC laptop right now). Nice to catch up on such good news. Well done!

    Candy thanks

  13. More from Faceboook:

    Amanda Congratulations Candy. Been out of the loop since dropping out of SCBWI and Facebook stopped working on my Mac (nervously tapping away on an unfamiliar and scarily efficient PC laptop right now). Nice to catch up on such good news. Well done!

    Candy thanks


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