Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Christmas Bloodbath at Borders

This made me sad today.


  1. I was there yesterday and - although I picked up quite a few bargains - felt very sad and depressed. And wondered how much money the publishers of all those jumble sale books will see.

  2. It looks so empty there too. Not even hoards of people snapping up bargains.

  3. they were even selling the display cases. the books were thrown carelessly in piles on the table, some of them sliding to heaps on the ground. the starbucks was still operating and i had planned to sit there and work but it was so horrible, i just left.

  4. Sad pictures indeed. Whenever I had to go to York or Leeds, one of my pleasures was browsing through the range and variety of titles that lay on the shelves and floors beyond the best-sellers. The glimpses usually led on to rather too many purchases for me, but not enough for Borders, alas!

    Amazon must be feeling smug.

  5. Last Border lament came from me, Penny Dolan - though will prob come up as anonymous again. Season's Greetings among the gloom, Candy!

  6. Those pictures really bring it home.
    The Birmingham Borders people were very supportive of me as a 'local author' with my first published novel, The Dangerous Sports Euthanasia Society - they gave me a table for signing my books in a very prominent place and kept me going all afternoon with cups of excellent coffee.
    I was hoping they'd be able to do the same with my new novel, Paper Lanterns.
    Enough of moaning about myself - What about all those people who've lost their jobs!

  7. Kudos Birming Boders for being an awesome supporter of authors. And commiserations that your awesomeness has been repaid in this way. Many many good wishes to all Borders people - i really really hope some GOOD magic comes your way soon.

  8. Comments from Facebook:

    Gordon: :-(

    Nicky: Oh that is very sad, very poignant images, Candy.

    Catherine: v sad.............

    Mariam Not good...

    Marivi I feel much worse when an independent bookstore shuts down. One just did, around the block from us, to make way for a yoga studio...

    Kathryn :O(

    Kathryn: Mkes you wonder what the competition laws are for doesn't it?


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