Saturday, 27 November 2010

So You Want to Write a Novel

Posted by Candy Gourlay

Thanks to Fiona Dunbar for the heads up on this one!

If you're on Facebook and can't see the video, you can watch it on YouTube

Congrats to all the people who made it to 50k on Nanowrimo ... and to any who didn't - just keep writing!


  1. Brilliant :)
    I love this site, it's such good fun to play about with!

  2. Hi there,

    I am the author of the "So You Want to Write a Novel" video, and I wanted to thank you for posting it on your blog. Glad you enjoyed it.

    David Kazzie

  3. David, it's a brilliant video! thanks for making it ... authors all over the world are reposting!


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