Friday, 8 June 2018

Countdown to Launching Bone Talk

By Candy Gourlay

It is exactly 35 days until the launch party for my new book, Bone Talk, on the 13th of July. Which is 20 days until the book is officially available in the shops! If you've ever wondered what publishers did to promote their books, here is a behind the scenes taste of the work being done by my publisher, David Fickling Books, to pave the way for Bone Talk's launch.

*In the video I forgot to mention Thornhill by Pam Smy and Wed Wabbit by Lissa Evans (I already had my own copies so I didn't put those in my bag – but now I wish I did, they would make good presents!)


  1. 'Tip of your Talent!' 'Magnificent!' I'm really looking forward to this x

  2. This is in my reading pile at the moment. I had a very quick glance through after nabbing a copy at the DFB event and it's mind-blowingly good. Can't wait to properly get my teeth into it!

  3. This is such a lovely video, Candy, and I love what Simon Mason says about Bone Talk and your writing. I am so excited to read it!


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