Tuesday, 28 March 2006

BOLOGNA 2006!!! Illustrator Jimmy Liao

I've just returned from my first Bologna Children's Book Fair, the biggest children's book fair in the world – and I shall be stealing time from work to post reports on the wonderful SCBWI pre-Bologna Conference I attended.

Meanwhile, i shall be posting illustrations that caught my attention at the fair. Just a warning: there was so much to see and I only had time to visit three warehouses of publishers' stalls, unfortunately having to miss out on the Italian exhibitions so that I wouldn't miss my train to the airport. And I hope the illustrators will forgive the quality of the images - they are after all only mobile phone shots from a very low pixel phone.

These magical illustrations by Jimmy Liao of Taiwan show the world from the point of view of a blind girl. I just couldn't take my eyes off his drawings.

Illustrated by Jimmy Liao
Illustrated by Jimmy Liao
Illustrated by Jimmy Liao


  1. just as you say Jimmy Liao's work was outstanding. tried to buy books from his display at the Taiwan pavilion, but told that the books are not for sale but if i return at 3.00 on last day, they would give them away.
    returned early but his display was empty they had all been stolen.
    someone else thought his work was good as well!

  2. i just discovered jimmy liao from a clearance story book called " a chance of love" which was the inspiration for the movie "turn left, turn right"...

    his artwork is magical and full of emotionally compelling visuals.


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