Sunday, 26 July 2009

Something from the Vogon Postal Service and Proofs of My First Little Book

Well I got some Vogon post the other day!

Postal stamp saying Vogal postal service, punishment for tampering is disintegration.
The message was: DON'T PANIC!
'Don't Panic cover
I tried not to but it was hard given that the envelope contained an advance copy of EoinColfer's sequel to Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - titled And Another Thing. Well ... actually only half of it. No point marketing the product to oblivion I suppose.
It was a tabloid size newsprint edition. I don't think it will be easy to read but it's a cool collector's item!

Meanwhile, elsewhere in the book marketing world, Jacqueline Wilson's Tracey Beaker is about to launch as a computer game!

Meanwhile, the proofs of my forthcoming book for Oxford University Press Treetops series arrive and it's very very pretty! It's illustrated beautifully by three very fine artists Galia Bernstein, Margaret Chamberlain and Thomas Docherty. Boy, what a difference illustrations make to prose!

Me happy!


  1. I love Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy!

    Great news about your book!



  2. Wow, I didn't know there was another Hitchiker's book coming out!


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