Tuesday, 25 May 2010

... And the winner is ...

The kids were eager to help me with my prize draw to celebrate the launch of my book trailer.

They decide to put the names into a Chinese hat.

Here's Mia cutting out the slips with the names of entrants on them.

Then Jack puts the hat on and bounces on the trampoline.

Remarkably the hat doesn't fall off.

And the names are still there when he takes it off.

Mia stirs the names around a bit ...

... then picks a slip ...
... and the winner is Philippa Francis!

Congratulations, Philippa - you win a copy of Tall Story!

After our little raffle draw, padre de familia Richard joins Jack in further celebratory bouncing!

And all is very VERY good!


  1. Oh, I wish it was me! but am happy for philipa! Nice house and smashing trampoline!

  2. the trampoline is the key to quality of life in our household.

  3. Trampoline is essential to well being - mine especially like laughing at their ridiculous mother. So that'll be me then. Looking forward to getting mine signed soon xxxxx


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