Saturday 29 May 2010

Book signing: say it isn't so!

When I look into my crystal ball, I can see this happening to me ... oh no!

Thanks to Keren for posting this on FB!


  1. Be kind to authors: if you see an author sitting and waiting to sign something. Go have something, anything, your arm, signed - you don't need to buy the book. just rescue that poor author! who knows, it might even be me!

  2. Ha ha, that's a brilliant video! :D

    I remember thinking I was rescuing a writer at BookExpoAmerica one year - he couldn't even get people to take it when it was free - and it turned out to be a really good read.

    An American publicist once told me that the average uptake for a bookstore signing is two books.

  3. We shouldn't do it! Mind you, he managed to turn it into a great video!


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