Sunday, 28 September 2008

Shoo Rayner's Drawing School

Okay, I'm trying to be a good author and ignore all distractions.

However Shoo Rayner is evil and has started a drawing school over on his website. I can't resist watching illustrators draw so now Shoo's new page has seriously set back my plans for world domination.

Here's Shoo teaching us how to draw his archetypal character, the Ginger Ninja.


  1. Like I needed another distraction!
    Brilliant stuff!

  2. I love the homemade feel of the video - the lights falling over adds to the realistic and friendly nature of it. Inspiring. Good find Candy!

  3. i suppose we writers could do the same thing. set up a camera and film ourselves working. but then we'd kill all our readers with boredom. we need them alive to buy our books.


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