Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Meg Cabot's World Tour

Meg Cabot has left the UK (Chicklish is running a Meg Cabot week featuring interviews they blagged while Meg was here).

I still think it's unfair that nobody told me she was coming.

Moving on, Meg is now in South Africa.

Meg Cabot at Exclusive Books Capetown. Photo by Nicky Schmidt

Lucky for you, Notes from the Slushpile had spies carefully embedded at Exclusive Books in Capetown where Meg made an appearance.

Nicky Schmidt — aka Atyllah (a chicken from outer space ... but that's another loooong story)— packs her report with some cogent thoughts about authors and marketing.

Noting Meg's powerful online presence, Nicky writes:
I’m amazed at how much of the marketing is electronic – almost the whole customer relationship management side of her marketing is done via the internet – aside from the book tours and books signings. But the key marketing focus, it strikes me, aside from having a decent product, is customer relationship management. It’s interesting that in an increasingly competitive market authors are having to focus less on their product and far more on customer relationships in order to up and sustain sales figures. It’s no longer solely about how good the book is, but it’s also about how accessible you are to your market and how you woo them. That gives authors two full time jobs rolled into one – writer/entertainer and marketer.
Read Nicky's full report here - it's mandatory reading for anyone who is working on their strategy to dominate the world ... er, market their books.


  1. Cor bugger la, and now I'm part of the Gourlay International Spy Network. Move over, Alex Rider!

    Thanks for the links, Candy - and all I can say is thank god I was a marketer in my previous life!
    The thing about the web is that it makes that key customer relationship management feature, one-to-one marketing, so much easier. And it's that one-to-one marketing that is so effective in helping to build word of mouth - and word of mouth, as we all know, is the very best kind of marketing.

    Right, World Domination, anyone?

  2. Thanks for linking, Candy. That's very interesting about the marketing.

    I promise I will copy you in on anything I receive about Meg coming to the UK from now on. But I bet you'll be the first to know next time!

    Oh, here's the first part of our Meg interview

  3. thank you, nicky! i also love that you captured the way meg cabot speaks.

    thank you, luisa! i am now one of your subscribers and will keep a close eye on you!


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