Friday, 7 November 2008

Book Trailers on My Mind

I've been giving book trailers some thought recently. I've just realised that I have two rather talented brothers in the film-making business (one does animation the other is a corporate film maker) ... I wonder if they would do a skills exchange and make me some videos?

While thinking, I was scanning the web of course and discovered that someone has already put up a book trailer website! goes by the catchline 'Know what to read next'. Check out this rather fabulous video for Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book, voiced by the author:

While you're browsing the site, here's a geeky thing to notice - the videos from the video-sharing site Vimeo are much better quality than YouTube.


  1. He's on to a good thing, using his own voice - he's no.3 now in my list of appealing speaking voices - ones I'll never get bored of.
    No. 2 is Stephen Fry and No.1 is my number one and radio broadcaster, Max Reinhardt!
    Know of any good female voices?

  2. he does have a great voice, doesn't he?

    yes, stephen fry is fab. and then there's martin jarvis who read all the 'just william' books. i also love the voicing style of stephen tompkinson who read 'cliffhanger' by jacqueline wilson. and adrian dunbar's fabulous accents in his reading of the artemis fowl books.

    as for female voices, i love zoe wanamaker's distinctive voice but i don't know if she's ever voiced an audio book. i also love judy bennett who does the karate princess series by jeremy strong.


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