Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Sherman Alexie on The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian and Why YA is So Cool

I just finished writing my chapter for the day and it's total rubbish but at least I've now hit 22,412 words.

That's good right? At least I've laid the bones down and tomorrow I can go over it again with humour and craft and care. So in anticipation, I try to prime my brain with something inspiring.

I thought, what about reading a few chapters from Sherman Alexie's The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian? Then I thought, Sherman Alexie, what kind of name is that? Is he really Indian? So I thought, surely, there's a video of Sherman Alexie on YouTube. I wanna see if he's really an Indian.

And guess what, he really is. But the other thing he turns out to be is really funny. You've just got to watch him do this HILARIOUS reading of one of the funniest moments in the book. The Q&A afterwards is cool too. About the true stories behind the book, the differences between his adult and Young Adult writing and also his remarks on how supportive the YA reader/writer community is - which makes me smug because that is exactly the world I want to be in.

If you can't see the video click here to view it on YouTube


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed that - thank you so much for posting it!


  2. Meet you in that loverly world! It's true though isn't it? I've not met a baddie yet!

  3. "which makes me smug because that is exactly the world I want to be in."
    Me too, me too!
    Loved the video clip, still chuckling.

  4. i have to admit i went back over what i've written so far to see if i've got a nugget that would be as good as sherman alexie's for public readings!

    yay YA!


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