Saturday, 15 December 2012

5th Day of Christmas: Commissioning Editor Ruth Williams of Picadilly Press

Five Fervent Wishes from Ruth William
of Piccadilly Press

I'm a commissioning editor at Piccadilly Press – a small independent publisher of children's books from picture books, through to young and middle fiction, and young adult. Piccadilly was founded by MD Brenda Gardner in 1983, so we will be celebrating a big birthday in the new year!

On the fifth day of Christmas, I hope the slushpile will give to me five gold things:

1. A moving story about a girl and her special friendship with a horse (or dog – either would be lovely).

No not this one - it's been done

2.A deliciously spooky ghost story for children aged 9+ (the first in a series)

Even spookier please!

3.A thrilling saga full of brave deeds, equal parts retribution and redemption, perhaps historical

Beat that then
 4. Something that makes me laugh as much as Letters from an Alien Schoolboy

Make 'em laugh!

5. A rags to riches story of virtue rewarded and the corrupt given comeuppance, maybe involving magic.
Harry Potter eat your hreart out
That's what I think I'd like. And I'll sneak a sixth in – a beautifully told picture book text that no parent would mind reading again and again...


  1. I hope you get what you're looking for! Happy Christmas to you and everyone at Piccadilly Press (and Anne who's just left). All the best, Clare.

  2. Wow! What a diverse list. May you get all you wished for in a big Santa slush pile.

  3. What a wonderful list. Happy Christmas to you all and Happy 30th birthday next year to all at Piccadilly Press

  4. I hope you get what you wish for - I suspect you just might after announcing your list here!

  5. I love the sound of Letters From an Alien Schoolboy so there's another on the wishlist! Thank you, Ruth.

  6. I like deliciously spooky stories as well - I hope you find one!


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