Monday 17 December 2012

7th Day of Christmas: Senior Editor Annalie Grainger of Walker Books

An editor who LOVES a great ghost story

Annalie Grainger is a senior editor in the Walker Books fiction department. She loves children’s books and works on titles for all ages but has a particular passion for YA. She is always on the lookout for new writers and is a sucker for books that make her cry. This year, though, she would love Slushpile Santa to send her a really good, really scary ghost story…

On the fifth day of Christmas, I hope my slushpile will send to me,

Five nightly dreads

Oh, whistle and I'll come to you my lad... at night!

Four shrieking ghosts

Three haunted homes
Don't look too closely ...

 Two twisting plots

And a hair-raising finale...

don't say she didn't warn you...
swans-a-swimming (yes, more than seven)


  1. I agree! There's nothing better than a well told, twisted, plot churning ghost story at any time of year

  2. Nooooo! I'll be hiding behind the sofa then...

  3. Just so happens a ghost just turned up in my current wip!


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