Thursday, 3 January 2013

Who Won Our Christmas Raffle?

Thank you to all who visited our 12 Days of Christmas Blog Posts in the closing days of 2012.

As promised, we have put all the folks who kindly left us a comment into our raffle with two amazing books to win:

John Burningham: Behind the Scenes (with foreword by Maurice Sendak)

 Reflections by Diana Wynne Jones with a foreword by Neil Gaiman

I thought it would useful to show you how we did the raffle, since I'll bet some of you would like to know how to conduct raffles on your own websites or blogs. We used an app called The Hat (you can download it here for free). We typed the names of all the commenters into the app (sorry, Dougall Trump, you were disqualified on account of being a fictional character) ... we then pressed the 'Shuffle' button to shuffle it (with lots of great sound effects):

Screenshot of names about to be shuffled.

After the names were thoroughly shuffled, we clicked the buttons to pick two names out of the hat.


Screenshot from The Hat app

Congratulatons to Jackie Marchant and Rowena House!

Now you guys have to decide which of you gets which book!


  1. Cool program! Congrats to the winners. I'm jealous! Colleen :)

  2. Wheee! What a great start to 2013! And one day soon I'll fathom how to get my picture to upload too. Happy Writing to everyone.

    1. Congratulations, Rowena! jackie's swanning around the world at the moment ... will get in touch by email.


Comments are the heart and soul of the Slushpile community, thank you! We may periodically turn on comments approval when trolls appear.

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