Friday, 30 April 2010

I Would Love to Be a Writer But I Have a Proper Job

We've all met this guy.

Video By Caroline Rance, author of Kill Grief ... and be of good cheer, from the reviews on the website it sounds like she's sold more than a hundred books!


  1. Love it, Candy! Yes, we've all met him. The most annoying one I've had was 'What are you doing at the moment'/'I'm a writer'/'Oh. Is that the new euphemism for unemployed?'

    (My answer was - 'Are most of the unemployed VAT-registered these days?')

  2. I love when people say: 'I think I have one book in me.' That's like saying to a brain surgeon: 'I think I have one brain surgery in me'.

    I also love the guy who told me I should have held out for a million dollar book deal like he plans to do.


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