Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Bologna 2008: a selection from the Artists' Wall

One of the unmissable features of the Bologna Children's Book Fair is the Artist's Wall, a series of hoardings near the entrance where artists pin up their work and their business cards in the hope of making contact with clients. Here is a sampling from this year's batch.

Even late in the afternoon of the second day there were still artists pinning up their work.

Illustrators had so many creative ways of leaving contact details.

You could look and look for hours and still keep finding something wonderful to look at.


  1. Cool! I'd be so curious to know the percentages of people who look at that - other illustrators, art students, potential clients, publishers, etc. With the illustrators exhibition, I got the feeling most of the visitors were art students, carefully photographing and copying the ideas and techniqes down into their sketchbooks.

    That's always a tricky one. I found some people taking detailed photos with a high-power camera of every page of my portfolio at my degree show, and I wasn't sure just how cross I could be about it with them. I think I should have let myself sound more annoyed. Then again, they could pull the same images off my website, but at least they'd be more pixelated. Hmm...

  2. Ace pics. I'd sooo love to go!

  3. love your pics
    At the end of the fair people were pulling down their favorites to keep (same for the publisher's posters in their stands)

  4. well these are just pics from my low res mobile phone camera, they were all very dark and i had to bump up the light on photoshop and i had to reject quite a lot that didn't come out well. i didn't take my good camera with me to bologna, too much luggage!

    i can see though how illustrators would worry about all those art students so publicly pirating ideas and art work!

  5. I really liked the Artist's Wall at Bologna! Posted photos on my blog too.


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