Thursday, 3 April 2008

Home from Bologna to Internet Silence

So I'm back from the world's biggest children's book fair, having met loads of famous people, seen oodles of exciting new books, and with photos and posts galore to put up on the blog.

But my internet was down.

I felt like this:

But today after an emotional reunion with my internet provider, Virgin Media, I'm back and I'm ready to tell you all about Bologna - in nifty, accessible chunks to aid digestion. For now, here are five interesting things about the trip:

1. British Airways provided passengers with a waste bag which is a folded plastic bag within another plastic bag. TWO plastic bags for one!

British Airways waste bag within a bag
2. SCBWI British Isles was the opening feature of the first SCBWI Showcase stand at Bologna. Here we are just before the crowds came rushing. From left to right, author Margaret Carey, British SCBWI regional advisor Natascha Biebow, British SCBWI illustrator coordinator Anne Marie Perks, illustrator Sarah Mcintyre, me, author Catriona Hoy, and illustrator Trish Phillips. SCBWI stalwart Anita Loughrey missed the photo-op because she was busy schmoozing educational publishers.

SCBWI British Isles at the SCBWI stand
3. Agents really work hard in Bologna. Here is the most terrifying hall in the fair.

the Agents Hall at the Bologna Children's Book Fair
Lined up like cattle, the agents didn't look that scarey.

the Agents Hall at the Bologna Children's Book Fair

4. Bologna has really INTERESTING statues. Here I am with illustrator Anne Marie Perks in front of a woman with spurting breasts:
Bologna's spurting fountain

5. In Bologna, it is possible to randomly meet cool YA authors. Here I am overcome with joy to meet Uglies creator Scott Westerfeld


It was all very, very good.

And though the internet was down when I got back from my four days away, everything else was just as I had left it - particularly the mess in the kitchen.

And the children had not escaped.


  1. That plastic bag-in-a-bag thing killed me, too! What are they thinking?

    Thanks for being an awesome room mate! I look like a giant in that photo.

    Sarah xx

  2. envy...envy...envy...why did you feel like a cannibal? ;).
    Glad you had a good time really!
    Looks like a brilliant event, I'll get there one day!

  3. >That plastic bag-in-a-bag thing killed me, too! What are they thinking?

    i suppose plastic bags are a little thing compared to our carbon footprint after the flight!

    >why did you feel like a cannibal?

    muzzled! i felt muzzled! though if a virgin media person showed up at the door, i was perfectly capable of biting!

  4. >I look like a giant in that photo.

    you really should stop standing on that stool. and hanging around with munchkins.

  5. Margaret Carey3 April 2008 at 21:07

    Hey, you got cuddled by Scott Westerfeld...Congratulations!

  6. I was wondering why you've been so quiet. It was so unlike you! :)

    That boobie fountain is quite funny ha

  7. Two bags for the "price" of one, how very thoughtful of BA! *shakes head*

    You sound like you had a brilliant time - and like you're still on a high! :-)

    And me, I've just gone all green... Sigh.

  8. margaret - thank you. can't wait to make miriam jealous.

    candice - not like me to be quiet? i don't know what you mean.

    atyllah - don't go green. it doesn't become a chicken.

  9. Hello, foxy roomie who never sleeps!

  10. wow! lucky me! i'm posting it now!

  11. Love your photos!

    +know why you felt muzzled - your blog is a form of speaking... and without internet connection it was like VM had a nasty hand over your mouth!


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