Friday, 23 December 2011

Countdown to Christmas: Brenda Gardner, Managing Director, Piccadilly Press

Brenda Gardner, publisher and MD started Piccadilly Press 28 years ago. Brenda’s experience in publishing was through editorial and she worked for Penguins, W H Allen, and Evans before setting up Piccadilly. Piccadilly won the Independent Publisher’s Award in 2009 after being shortlisted three times and publish across a wide range from picture books to young adult.

Brenda Gardner, Piccadilly Press

Brenda's wish list:

1. We’d love an interesting and fresh novel for young adults. 
A love story that could be a crossover book perhaps.

2. A sharp witty picture book text would be
 an ideal present from Father Christmas

Illustrated by SCBWI's very own Mike Brownlow

3. Illustrations with animals and small children that touch the heart.

Written by SCBWI's very own  Juliet Clare Bell 

4. A knock them dead funny series for 7-12 would be a great present.

You don't get much funnier than Dinopants

5. Authors and illustrators who have studied our website and know the sorts of books we publish and even read some of them, before sending in material, would win our hearts.

Book I wished we published: Diary of A Wimpy Kid.
Not only because it is a bestseller but I did spot it some years ago and was just days too late as Puffin had snapped it up. I thought it was a great concept – fresh and appealing and at the same time very reassuring and funny.


  1. A lovely nearly-Christma wish list! I love the focus on younger books here too.

    Hope you get what you wish for next year, Brenda!

  2. Brilliant list, love how all the publishers are looking right across the spectrum of the market for great books, nice to see the balance returning!

  3. A broad and balanced wishlist - and so good to see my SCBWI pals on here. With the talents of my colleagues, I'm sure you'll have more to brag about next year.

  4. Another positive and cheering Christmas post! Thanks, tireless Slushpile Team, and Brenda.

  5. Happy Christmas to you! You publish Penelope Bush and Juliet Clare Bell - so I can guarantee you've got readers in the Scbwi family :o)

  6. Lovely Mike Brownlow and Juliet Clare Bell titles - 2 Scoobies in 1 list - Ho Ho HO!

    Thanks for this mega boost to our festivities. I'm already away for the holiday but I can't stop reading this countdown - Merry Christmas!

  7. I think I might print all of the lists out and make a book, it's a great overview of what's coming next, if we can fulfil the wishes of course!
    Thank you for joining in, Brenda (and Ruth Williams) and here's hoping you can take on more SCBWI authors and illustrators next year too. Merry Christmas.

  8. I know what you mean Sue. My internet holiday's started too - apart from the Slushpile!

  9. What class, what joy! Thanks, Brenda!

  10. Thanks for the post, Brenda. A great festive wish list. Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year. With very best wishes from Clare.

  11. Thanks, Brenda! Reading this series feels like looking into a crystal ball.

  12. It's also so refreshing to hear a publisher admit that she missed out on a great book!


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