Saturday 31 December 2011

Happy New Year from the Slushpile!

Notes from the Slushpile Christmas Countdown
We hope you enjoyed our Countdown to Christmas series (view all the posts again here). Pulling it together was great fun, but there were flurries of emails, last minute schedule changes and chasing up contributors. The stress may have got to us a little in the lead up to Christmas, though ... here is a little peek at the behind-the-scenes madness.....

Addy Farmer: Just had an e-mail from 'X' to say she's sending something tomorrow! Sorry for the flurry of worry! Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 18:12

Teri Terry: 'Flurry of worry' should be made into a poem, I'm sure! Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 18:17

Maureen Lynas: I'm on it! Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 18:30

Addy FarmerGet off, Maureen - it's mine! Actually, having just read Jude's post, thinking I might make a pic book... Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 18:59

Maureen Lynas: Done it! Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 19:11

Addy Farmer: Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! You beat me! Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 19:20
Addy Farmer: We could have a poetry write-off! Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 19:21

Jo Wyton: Is this going to end in a fist fight with 'Y' standing off to one side crying? Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 19:21

Slushpile note: 'Y' is an agent of considerable renown who rather likes Slushpile poetry

Addy Farmer: I could do swords but hang on, the pen is mightier than the sword. Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 19:24

Jo Wyton:
Not as exciting as a fight,
But if you insist, alright.
Just make sure,
You don't sadden or bore,
Or give 'Y' a fright.
Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 19:25

Addy Farmer: I like the idea of 'Y' crying over us - who will I choose? Waaa, no I'll take BOTH of them! (have had wine which induces fantasies) Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 19:26

Maureen Lynas: But my pen's bigger than your pen! Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 19:27

Addy Farmer: En garde! Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 19:31

Maureen Lynas: Not fair! You've got all the gear! I submit! Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 19:35

Jo Wyton

Pens at the ready! Get ready to show
Us all what you are made of.
Synopses - who cares? Plot plans - not me -
It's all about the Slushpiler pen-off!
Man, I'm really bored... can you tell? Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 19:45

Addy Farmer: Hasn't anybody ever told you that thing about size? Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 19:46

Jo Wyton: Bigger is always better? Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 19:50

Maureen Lynas:

With pens at the ready
the authors stood steady
They clicked and turned
pages so white
Words they did scrawl
They were having a ball
As story and plot they did write
I'm finished cried Addy
Maureen was maddy
And so she squared up for a fight

She won
Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 19:51

Jo Wyton: I'm going to go hide and sulk now... ;o) Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 19:53

Maureen Lynas: Bored and sulky, oh dear :( Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 19:54

Addy Farmer:
Your pen is nifty

your words come swifty

think I'll look over your shoulder

and risk looking shifty
Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 20:01

Teri Terry:

it is impossible to rhyme
when your wine glass is empty
I'd have a much better time
With a wine glass of plenty
Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 20:05

Jo Wyton: Wahay! Shall we get you one of those wine glasses that holds a whole bottle for Christmas?! Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 20:07

Slushpile note: YES please. Oops. Am I giving away my secret identity?

Addy Farmer: I think you could put that to music and make a drinking song Sent:Thursday, 15 Dec, 20:08

Maureen Lynas:

I wear shoulder pads
from Dallas no less
They're heavy and cause me distress
But wear them I do
to foil those who try
To peek, pink, copy 'borrow' or spy

I should be ironing! Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 20:10

Addy Farmer:

Sword stabs,
fists fly,
gun shoots
rope ties
but tippy tap of black on white
mean words will win the war outright

Hmmm, bath time for Wilf and Christmas wrapping! Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 20:26

Maureen Lynas: Aren't we all so talented! Yay slushpilers!!!! Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 20:28

Teri Terry:

The neighbours are drunk
the wine is all gone
I look at my watch
but they just won't go home
Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 20:31

Slushpile note: if any neighbours happen to see this, poetic license! I wasn't REALLY looking at my watch, honest!
Maureen Lynas:

There is no Teri Terry
On the internet today
So all the emails in my inbox
Are not from her, no way

Off to bath with a gin and tonic. Bye :)  Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 19:38

Slushpile note: Teri had earlier in the day claimed she'd have the internet off all day whilst editing! We were skeptical

Teri Terry:

Red Wine And Poetry Do Not Mix

If I have this glass of wine
I know I’ll find the perfect rhyme
And follow on to two or three
it’s sure to help my poetry
Metaphors will lightly spring
enjambment will take true wing
One more luscious red to sip
until I find the perfect quip
When morning comes, I fear and dread
the bleary eyes, the painful head
And hands do shake as page unfolds
what Masterpiece will now be told?
Oh no, it sucks! My deepest fear
perhaps tonight I’ll stick to beer
Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 20:42

Maureen Lynas: And the prize goes to Teri Terry!!!!!! If she is actually on the internet. Now I'm going in the bath. Sent: Thursday, 15 Dec, 20:44

Candy Gourlay: (Emerging from Writer's Cave) What's going on? This is EXTREME PROCRASTINATION! This poetry thing is dangerous! Sent: Friday, 16 Dec, 8:03
Addy Farmer: For my part (and I have my suspicions about Teri and Jo), wine had been drunk. Sent: Friday 16 Dec, 8:08

Candy Gourlay: And ... "Maureen was MADDY?"Sent: Friday, 16 Dec, 8:05
 Maureen Lynas: Addy, I was stone cold sober! Candy ... Maddy? You find something to rhyme with Addy in five seconds! Anyway, where is your contribution! *taps fingers, waiting* Would make a good post though. Yes. Sent: Friday, 16 Dec, 8:22

Jo Wyton: Was thinking that last night! Would be hilarious! Only writers can occupy themselves for that long by having an email conversation in verse. Sent: Friday, 16 Dec, 8:27

Teri Terry: How about as a NY eve post? Sent: Friday, 16 Dec, 10:06
Jo Wyton: Good plan, poetic Batman. Sent: Friday, 16 Dec, 10:10

Maureen Lynas: That would be very funny! Drunken wishes! Sent: Friday, 16 Dec, 10:12

Slushpile note: the keen reader may have noticed that earlier, Maureen claimed to be sober through out; yet she did mention gin and tonic in the bath....

Teri Terry:: I'm on it! Another minute or two (or three) of editing procrastination... Sent: Friday, 16 Dec, 10:42

Maureen Lynas: Get off the internet! Edit! Edit! Edit!!!
Sent: Friday, 16 Dec, 10:49

From all of us at Notes from the Slushpile: Happy New Year!!


  1. And a Happy New Year from me to you - I hope all your writing dreams come true!
    Oh, b****r, you've got me rhyming now . . .

  2. Happy New Year and many many more gin baths!

    (p.s. 'maddy' was inspired)

  3. ...I was in the Writer's Cave while this lot were in their gin baths! Happy New Year!

  4. Happy New Year to all you Slushpile peeps!
    May it bring everything you hoped for and may it bring me more books by you all.
    Tracy xx

  5. Happy New Year Slushpile peeps too! I hope the New Year brings you lots of writing happiness and peace and wine (or G&T) as required and for the rest of us, lots more wonderful posts!


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