Saturday, 10 December 2011

Countdown to Christmas: Commissioning Editor Jasmine Richards

Jasmine is an editor by day and an author by night. So she is perfectly placed to understand both sides of the process. Jasmine has worked in publishing for seven years - working on the Beast Quest series for Working Partners and now senior commissioning editor for Oxford University Press. Jasmine is a keen SCBWI member and one of the judges for the Undiscovered Voices competition. She has two books coming out next year: Oliver Twisted (Egmont in the UK) and The Book of Wonders (Harper Collins in the US).
Here are my five wishes:

1 A writer who can construct a mystery that will keep me guessing to the very end.

2  A high concept idea that you can pitch off the title alone but isn’t gimmicky and doesn’t forfeit characterisation or excellent storytelling.

3 A story about first love/sexual experience done in a really fresh way and with lots of heart.

A writer who can give me a satisfying, rip-roaring adventure in 50 thousand words or less!

5  A story that I don’t know I want but must have as soon as I read it!

 Thanks for asking me !

OUP publish Dinosaur Cove which is a Working Partners series and we on Notes from the Slushpile love Working Partners for doing their bit to discover Undiscovered Voices Thank you! OUP are only open to submissions through agents at the moment.

Links to Jasmine's books Book of Wonders and Oliver Twisted


  1. Thanks to you and to Jasmine - brilliant editor, hard- working writer and all-round good egg! - for your kind words about WP. From Karen, Head of Editorial at WP

  2. An exciting post yet again. This is a brilliant idea Slushpilers and Jasmine thank you for more insight and inspiration into what editors might be looking for.

  3. what a great list, Jasmine! My fingers are twitching to start...

  4. Really interesting about titles and high concept.
    Jasmine's wishes are giving me ideas already, fantastic!
    Thank you.

  5. So that's me sorted then - I'll be firing off a couple of MSs to Jasmine first thing on Monday!

    Thanks slushies for another great post and have a relaxing Christmas, Jasmine.

  6. Ooh, Jasmine, I hope you get all your wishes, because I'd like to read all those books!

  7. Now, who's up for the task of writing a book that satisfies all 5 criteria? It's like a mega-slushpile challenge ;-)

  8. OK just off to start a high end mystery adventure about first love that Jasmine didn't know she wanted!!

  9. Hi Jasmine - I'm guessing Oliver Twisted is a number 2 - I wish I could write a number 1 and give it to you in time for Christmas!

    Thanks for the inspired festive countdown, Slushpile peeps!

  10. Great list, Jasmine! I'd love to satisfy one of your wishes and I have a completed novel right here ready to send to you! My wish is that it wasn't necessary to have an agent in order to be able to submit a manuscript!


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