Sunday, 11 December 2011

Countdown to Christmas: Literary Agent Hilary Delamere

Christmas wishes from Children's literary agent Hilary Delamere of The Agency represents such stalwarts as Malorie Blackman, Fiona Dunbar, Mini Grey and Raymond Briggs (also newbies like Candy Gourlay). You can view her list and contact details on The Agency website

I wish that:

1. Prospero's Books, a perfect bookshop which closed last Christmas Eve, reopens on the same site with the addition of a Narnian wardrobe though which we would find a children's book emporium

From the Hornsey Journal article

2. Peeking into the future to confirm that all the wonderful convenience of ebooks and the tactile delight of printed books happily co-exist and expand the market

Image from Main Device

3. Libraries to grow in size and number and become even greater community hubs.

Thanks to for the image

4. Every adult to buy a picture book as a gift for another adult - embracing that crossover market thoroughly

From The Ephemerist

5. Everyone to remember that no one is too old to be read to...

(Look at George Bush's book)


  1. Is there a bookshop anywhere with a wardrobe door entrance? if there isn't there should be, it is such a cool idea.
    And yes yes yes yes yes to the rest!

  2. I so agree, no one is too old for a picture book!

    A couple of months ago I nearly cried in Waterstones when I heard a Mum tell her 6 year old son that he was too good a reader for picture books!

    Soooo!? I have a degree in literature but would choose a picture book over Chaucer anyday Just because I can read it, doesn't mean I want too.

    The sad thing was that the misguided mum, in her desire to encourage her son to be a good reader, was probably damaging his love of books.

  3. Another great post, slushies. And I so agree about picture books. If I can get my current WIP published I'd love to have illustrated. Anyone who's seen Scott Westerfeld's latest books with their Keith Thompson illustrations can't fail to want to see more of this sort of thing.

  4. YES PLEASE to all of these wishes- wonderfully tactile books and e books to be shared by all and what great pics too!
    Talking of libraries as community hubs, my local Whitechapel Idea Store gives hope for the future. I hear it's of the busiest libraries in London, frequented by children and adults from all corners of the world with light and space over 4 floors, including a large kids dept on the ground floor, and a cheap café on the fourth - top floor - with a view of East London. Good food too!

  5. @Jeannette That's why A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness is so exciting - the illustrations add an extra emotional dimension to the storytelling.When children's novels used to have those full page cross-hatch styl pen and ink drawings every three chapters or so, I used to love looking at those drawings and even copying them. Perhaps the competition of e-books will lead more publishers to create really collectible, cherishable objects.

  6. What great wishes!

    Oh, did I mention that the wondrous Jim Kay is my illustrator? Did I? He is you know!

  7. I've got Brian Selznick's Wonderstruck on my Christmas list - I absolutely LOVE Hugo Cabret and I'm hoping to see the film next week. Ilustrations are definitely not only for the young! (And neither are children's books)

  8. Completely agree. RIP Prospero's Books. Now an ice cream parlour (to go with all the coffee chains, estate agents and hairdressers). Just what the local community needs. Not!


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